Response CodesΒΆ

All endpoints share the following list of common response codes:

Response Code Description
200 Success
201 Successfully created
400 Your request was malformed, or the requested operation was impossible. A description of the problem will be included in the response.
401 Your request did not include proper authentication headers. Make sure that you have properly sent the Authorization header described in Authentication.
403 Your request was not properly authenticated or you have requested an entity for which you do not have access. Make sure that you have properly sent the Authorization header described in Authentication.
404 The entity you requested does not exist.
405 The request method used is not allowed for the endpoint you are sending it to. Please review the below documentation and alter your request to use an acceptable method.
409 Your repository is currently locked. See Repository Lock for more details.
500 A server error occurred while processing your request. An error was logged and the administrators of the site have been notified. Please try your request again later.