Task Format =========== Each task has at least the following fields: +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Description | +==================+=========================================================================+ | ``id`` | (**read-only**, **primary key**) The unique ID number of a task. These | | | are stable and can be used in situations where you may want to retrieve | | | a task after it has been completed. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``uuid`` | (**read-only**, **primary key**) **DEPRECATED** Please use ``id`` to | | | fetch your task's ID number. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``short_id`` | (**read-only**, **primary key**) Returns the short ID of the task. | | | Note that this number is **unstable** and will change as tasks are | | | added/removed from the pending task list. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``resource_uri`` | (**read-only**) This is the URL at which this task can be retrieved | | | again in the future. It will match the URL you used for fetching this | | | task unless you fetched this task from a listing endpoint. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``status`` | One of 'pending', 'completed', 'waiting', or 'deleted'. New tasks | | | default to 'pending'. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``urgency`` | (**read-only**) A float representing the current calculated urgency | | | level of a task. This is generated internally by Taskwarrior. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``description`` | The title of the task. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``priority`` | One of 'H', 'M', or 'L'. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``due`` | A date string [#datestring]_ representing this task's due date and | | | time. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``entry`` | (**read-only**) A date string [#datestring]_ representing this task's | | | entry date and time. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``modified`` | (**read-only**) A date string [#datestring]_ representing the last time | | | that this task was modified. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``start`` | A date string [#datestring]_ representing the date and time this task | | | was last started. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``wait`` | A date string [#datestring]_ representing the minimum date and time at | | | which this task should appear in the pending task list. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``until`` | A date string [#datestring]_ representing the maximum date and time at | | | which this task should appear in the pending task list. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``scheduled`` | A date string [#datestring]_ representing the minimum date and time at | | | which this task is scheduled. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``depends`` | A list of tasks upon which this task is dependent. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``annotations`` | A list of annotations added to the task [#annotations]_. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``tags`` | A list of tags assigned to this task. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``imask`` | (**read-only**) A value representing this task's ``imask``. This is a | | | property used internally by Taskwarrior for recurring tasks. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The task is formatted into JSON for use by the API; for example, below is a JSON-formatted task: .. code-block:: json { "annotations": [ "Chapter 1", "Chapter 2", ], "depends": null, "description": "The wheels on the bus go round and round", "due": null, "entry": "2014-02-03T01:52:51Z", "id": 1, "imask": null, "modified": "2014-02-03T01:52:51Z", "priority": null, "project": "Alphaville", "scheduled": null, "start": null, "status": "waiting", "tags": ["very_unimportant", "delayed"], "urgency": -0.1, "uuid": "b8d05cfe-8464-44ef-9d99-eb3e7809d337", "wait": "Thu, 6 Feb 2014 01:52:51 +0000" } .. warning:: If you neglect to supply a timezone offset in a supplied date string, the incoming date string will be interpreted to be a UTC timestamp. .. [#datestring] ISO-8601 format.